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PA program of the day

PA Home WOD briefing :




10 rounds for time of:

3 weighted pull-ups OR 6 Ring Rows OR 6 Body rows
5 strict pull-ups OR 10 Banded pull-down
7 kipping pull-ups OR 14 DB Row

Then Accumulate
3 min of Handstand Hold OR Pike Handstand Hold


5 rounds for time of:

6 Ring Rows OR 6 Body rows
10 Banded pull-down
10 DB Row

Then Accumulate
3 min of Handstand Hold OR Pike Handstand Hold





AMRAP of 10 min:

10 Air squat
10 Hollow rocks
10 Good Mornings
10 Active shoulder drill
PVC pass-throughs+reverse grip
10 Wrist and arm stretch



Cool Down:

1 min Lat stretch on the ground
1 min neck stretch & Shoulder back stretch
1 min figure-4 stretch