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PA program of the day

PA Home WOD briefing :



For time:

Run 1 mile
Row 2,000 meters
Run 1 mile

Then Accumulate
3 min of Scale (90 sec each leg)


Run inside/outside the home for 8 min
500 SIngle under
Run inside/outside the home for 8 min

Then Accumulate
3 min of Scale (90 sec each leg)


Sprint inside/outside the home for 5 min
300 SIngle under 
Sprint inside/outside the home for 5 min

Then Accumulate
3 min of Scale (60 sec each leg)



AMRAP of 10 min:

10 Leg swings (front+back+side)
5 Spiderman lunge – 5-sec hold (per leg)
10 Rocking ankle (per leg)
10 Push-up to down dog
5 Knee to the chest on the ground (per leg)
5 Thoracic rotation (per side)


Cool Down:

30-sec child pose internal+external
30-sec couch stretch
2 min neck and shoulder stretch