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CrossFit PA Leader Board Announcement – CrossFit Open 21.1




We are extremely excited to share CrossFit’s PA first leader board for CrossFit Open 21.1


We have Mateen Haidar from Persistence Athletic’s India in the Men’s Rx’d category who has got the highest score (376 reps). In Women Rx, Sara is on top of the leaderboard with  265 reps and Scaled category, we have Katie Grantier who finished the whole workout in 11 min 57 seconds, and Jacqueline Dewangan who finished it in 13 min 47 seconds. We congratulate each one of you especially those who have participated in CrossFit Open for the first time. We know that you all have done your best in 21.1 and now looking forward to this week’s Friday Night Lights.




Enjoy the fun moments of 21.1 in this video 



This is CrossFit PA’s highest rep scorer Mateen Haidar’s 21.1 video