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Do the beverages you drink add value?

Drinks should earn their rent.


Last week, we gave you a new habit: Drink only calorie-free beverages.



This is a 2-week experiment. All you’re doing is trying it. Seeing what you discover. Pushing your comfort zone.

Pay attention. Notice where drinks live in your routine.

Swap and substitute. What adds value? What’s a healthier choice? Can you switch that in?

Notice any resistance. Such as feeling like you don’t want to change. Or like this is too much work. Or like there’s no way you’re giving up wine.

Super Shakes are liquid food. So they don’t count. Treat them as a meal.


Drinks should earn their rent


Even if we pay attention to how we work out, and what we eat, we often don’t notice what we drink.

So all you’re doing for the next 2 weeks is asking yourself:

Does this beverage I’m about to consume add value to my body?

  • Does it hydrate me?
  • Does it replenish nutrients I’ve lost?
  • Does it add value, health, and/or recovery?
  • After I drink this, will I feel physically good and satisfied?
  • After I drink this, will I feel happy and proud about my choice?
  • If the answer to all of the above is yes, then go ahead and enjoy.


If the answer is no, take a few moments to think about it.

  • What trade-off are you willing to make? What’s your deal? Why?
  • Is there a better choice available? Why is it better?


Read labels

You should be a pretty smart consumer by now.

Keep reading those labels. Don’t be fooled by what the front of the package says.

Even if your beverage label claims it’s exotic superfood hibiscus juice hand-raised by Hawaiian hippies who lovingly sing to the drink to help it grow vitamins.


Yes, even this stuff. Check the labels.



Read the label. Make an informed decision.


Look for things like:

1) calories per serving (and what the serving size is — sometimes it’s only part of the bottle or can)

2) caffeine

3) artificial sweeteners

4) sugar (and sneaky terms for sugar, such as “cane juice”, “syrup”, glucose-fructose, etc.)

5) alcohol

6) flavoring (even if it’s “natural flavor”)

7) coloring

8) preservatives

9) “from concentrate”

10) sodium

11) other stuff you’re not sure you should be eating, like titanium dioxide


Even “healthy” juices are usually highly processed, which strips most of their valuable nutrients away.

Unless you actually see someone squeezing an orange or putting an apple into a juicer, there’s probably a big factory between you and that fruit tree.



This isn’t about “good” or “bad”. It’s about learning to pay attention to your decisions. And making the conscious choice to nourish yourself.


Pay attention.

Notice where this messes up your routine. Or where you feel resistance.

Or where it feels comfortable and natural. Maybe it’s already easy, and you could just do a bit more. Notice that too.

Also notice how satisfied (or not) you feel with your drinks. How hungry or full do you feel afterwards?