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Example of 12-week beginner exercise program for older athlete – Part II





The following 12-week, three-day on-ramp program is an example of how to responsibly prepare a late masters deconditioned wellness client for the group environment:




Note that extra strength work has been programmed in addition to the workout, particularly on days where the workout is technical or likely to be heavily scaled. This is consistent with our recommendation of more frequent strength work for deconditioned late masters, which can be particularly beneficial while intensity is low in the beginning stages of training. It is implied that as athletes graduate into group classes, they will transition to more traditional CrossFit programming—i.e., a single workout a day.




Once they have achieved an appropriate level of fitness and graduated into the class environment, late masters athletes can and should be exposed to challenging workouts. Heavy and complex skill workouts are an important stimulus that should not be avoided.


Complex gymnastics and heavy lifting can be accommodated with effective scaling, but the trainer needs to be prepared and skillful. A class plan should be prepared ahead of time that allows for:

Increased warm-up time

  • Adjustment of workout weights
  • Creative scaling strategies such as forced rest, partner work, and AMRAP components
  • Effective progressions and substitutions
  • Neurological skills to be incorporated and reinforced throughout the entire session


A well-prepared class where the specific needs of aging athletes have been addressed ahead of time will reduce the demand on the trainer during the class and increase coaching effectiveness. Providing explicit masters scaling will also go a long way toward creating an inclusive environment.

Reference:CrossFit Masters Training Guide