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Always Focus on your performance!

All we want you are to focus on your performance week by week, and it will take care of the rest. Whether you want to lose your body weight, cure any chronic disease, by just focusing on your performance. 

PA Home WOD Briefing:


Accumulate a total of 3 min of L-sit, then

Muscle Snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps 

Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps 

Squat snatch 1-1-1-1-1 reps

(Note: Practice above all movement with PVC OR Barbell. Double the reps if practicing with PVC) 

The goal for this workout : 

Muscle snatch – Focus on Bar Path, Build to Heavy 1.

Overhead squat – Focus on Bottom of Squat Position, Build To heavy from the rack.

Squat snatch Build to heavy for the day.



You can scale down the workout to your ability, a good option would be to reduce the number of reps or scale down the movement.

Spend 10 to 15 with a warm-up, Follow below sequence 

2 rounds with PVC:

10 Jump and land

10 Snatch grip high pull

10 Sot press 

10 Snatch balance

10 Squat snatch



Spend 10 min with Cool Down, follow below sequence 

1 min child pose internal+external

2 min neck, wrist and arm stretch

1 min couch stretch

1 min toe-touch



This is an example of our Workout of the day of this week. We provide a DAILY Workout of the day with Warm-up and Cooldown. Our daily training programs come with a video of each section as well as a coach’s briefing to help you scale the workout appropriately to your level. 

We deliver all of our products and services via phone 📲. All you need is a smartphone. You can experience PA Coaching by subscribing :