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How to increase your work capacity across a broad time ?

Doing constantly varied high-intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar—prepares you for the demands of a healthy life. 



PA Home WOD Briefing:



5 Rounds:

3 min amrap
7 Power Snatch 135/95
10 box Jumps 24/20
50 DU
1 min rest

Core : 3 Min of L-sit


You can scale down the workout to your ability, a good option would be to reduce the number of reps or scale down the movement.

3 Rounds:

7 Power Snatch
10 Box Jump
100 SU
1 Minute Rest
Core: 2 Minute L-sit(10 Min Time Cap)


Spend 10 to 15 with a warm-up, Follow below sequence 



AMRAP 8 Minutes:
30 Seconds Walking Lunges
60 Single unders
10 Pvc Pass Through +Around the world
10 Jump and Land
10 High Hang Muscle Snatch
10 Hang Power Snatch


Spend 10 min with Cool Down, follow below sequence 



40 sec Thread the Needle
40 sec Wall Assisted Shoulder Stretch
40 sec Cat-cow
40 sec Wall Calf stretch



This is an example of our Workout of the day of this week. We provide a DAILY Workout of the day with Warm-up and Cooldown. Our daily training programs come with a video of each section as well as a coach’s briefing to help you scale the workout appropriately to your level.


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