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Our 4th Core Value: “Be Humble- Be 1% Better everyday”

Do a little more, do a little better.


The concept is simple: Each day, try doing ONE small thing that makes your existing habits slightly better.

You can work on the same thing every day.

Or try a new “little bit better” every day.

It’s your choice.

What’s most important is that you do SOMETHING a little better today, and every day for the next two weeks.

Think about this: If you can nail 100% consistency on this habit for two weeks, you will have done fourteen things a little better.


Now that is something to be proud of.

To make it easier, we recommend that you keep a record of each day’s one thing so that you can see your progress every day. (You can write down your achievements somewhere.)

Remember to celebrate each and every success, no matter how small.


Knowledge is the only way to find answers, and we believe learning is the lifetime act! We practice this mindset by trying to be 1% better every day.

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