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PA Home program of the day !

PA Home WOD briefing :




10 rounds for time of:

30 double-under OR 60 Single-Unders
15 pull-ups OR 15 Ring Row OR 15 DB Row
30 squats
100-m sprint (Run inside /outside home for 1 min)

Rest 2 minutes between each round.





6 rounds for time of:

30 double-under OR 30 Single-Unders
15 pull-ups OR 15 Ring Row OR 15 DB Row
20 squats
100-m sprint (Run inside /outside home for 1 min)

Rest 2 minutes between each round.




10 Ankle flex & rotations
10 Single under drill (each)
10 Banded pull apart (Slow & controlled)
10 Banded row (Slow & controlled)
10 Air squat
10 toe-touches
10 Rocking ankle (per leg)



Cool Down:

1 min paddling
30-sec shoulder banded pull
1 min spider lunge on a chair
1 min pigeon pose



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