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PA Home Program “Testimony” – Prabha Dewangan

Another testimony of one of our remote athlete Prabha Dewangan. She follows the “PA Home” program and is very consistent with her workouts and nutrition habits.


In her own words.


“I am a homemaker and was suffering from multiple joint pain and cervical spondylitis. When Sandhya ji told me about this workout program, I was not sure about how it’ll help me, but I had seen the changes in Sandhya ji, so I was certainly hopeful. It’s been more than 3 months now, and my joint pain and cervical spondylitis have disappeared almost completely. My energy levels are high and I don’t feel tired even after doing all day’s work. These changes have really made me more self-sufficient and I now look forward to more challenging workouts everyday.”


Check out her video here :




Our mission is to bring an affordable, accessible, and universally scalable solution for all kinds of lifestyle diseases, which affect more than a billion people worldwide. Our vision is to build a world free of lifestyle diseases for the next generation. Get in touch with us to join our programs.


We deliver all of our products and services via phone 📲. All you need is a smartphone and a WhatsApp account to start with. You can experience PA Coaching by subscribing. 
