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How close are you to changing?

Ready, willing, and able.


Today, we’re going to ask you three questions about change.


-How ready are you to change?

-How willing are you to change?

-How able are you to change?


There are no right or wrong answers. But it’s important to know where you’re starting out.


How ready are you to change?

Think about what brought you here today.

Are you sick of the status quo? Or are your old routines still working pretty well for you?

Then score yourself in the questionnaire below.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Too soon! Not ready yet!” and 10 being “Totally ready! Bring it on!!” How ready are you to change your existing nutrition and health habits?


How willing are you to change?

Think about how open you are right now to changing your mindset, habits, and routines.

Are you willing to just flow with our coaching process? Or do you hate being told what to do?

Then score yourself in the questionnaire below.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “No change! I’m digging my heels in!” and 10 being “Change me! I’m putty in your hands, PA! How willing are you to trust our coaching process and let change occur (or purposely challenge some of your existing ways of doing things)?


How able are you to change?

Sometimes we want and hope for change, but something’s blocking us.

What’s preventing you from changing right now — a tough work schedule, having a new baby, an unsupportive environment…?

Then score yourself in the questionnaire below.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being “Right now, I simply can’t change” and 10 being “I have all the tools and support I need,” how able are you to change?


Noticing and naming resistance

You can observe a lot by just watching.

—Yogi Berra


In PA coaching, you’ll hear a lot about “noticing and naming.” It just means we pay attention to what’s happening around us and in our own experience.

As you think about and work on changing your habits, see if you can notice and name any resistance that pops up.

For instance, we asked our athletes to practice the “5-minute action” habit today, you might choose to book some time to go grocery shopping.

You might suddenly think: But I’m too busy for that.

Or: I don’t know how to make a healthy meal. What kinds of foods am I supposed to buy?

Or: This is too complicated. This will never work.

Aha! Resistance! Something is pushing back against your change.

Don’t worry about “fixing” resistance. Just call it out when it occurs. (Warning! It’s sneaky!)


Remind yourself that change is a skill.

To make any change stick, you have to be a good change-er.

Help yourself succeed: Purposefully practice small daily successes.

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