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PA’s Strength & Conditioning Program!

Our training philosophy includes balancing various elements in your life to put your health first.


Periodized strength and conditioning training programs to achieve peak performance at a certain time of the year. It is only recommended for an experienced athlete with specific goals.   A proper roadmap, or your game plan, is the key to long-term success. Coaches make your goal-setting easy by giving you small steps to reach along the way.

Our training philosophy includes balancing various elements in your life to put your health first. Moving to the next level of performance requires character growth and discipline;


For example, adequate sleep is critical for recovery, and a positive mindset is necessary to accomplish all the work in your programming.


Your coach must believe in developing regular ‘rituals’ to support balance in your life, and will frequently recommend specific learning materials for clients to study. Finally, coaches individualize your program to address your weaknesses. We personally review athlete videos to analyze performance, provide movement education, and track weekly improvements and review your goals and performance to provide critical feedback.

Your coach may take a different approach, but providing individual observation, feedback, and learning strategies is a key factor in developed vs. underdeveloped coaches.


We are sharing a day of S&C programming to give you an idea: 


2 Rounds: For quality with 30 sec rest between movements

5 x Table Inside Out

15 x Single Arm Elbow on Knee External Rotation

5 x Trap-3 Raise

10 x Ring Rows

5 x Clapping push-ups


A) Weightlifting

3×2 ea Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Snatch

– Rest 90 secs. between sets



B) Strength

Part A –

Super Set

Strict Press 5 3 2 5 3 2 (82% 88% 93% 85% 90% 95%)

Batwing Row 6 6 6 5 5 5

– Rest 120 secs. between sets




Part B –

Super Set

Weighted Chin up 6 4 2 ( Go up on load )

Alternating NG DB Bench 5 4 3 ( Go up on load )

– Rest 90 secs. between sets



C) Hypertrophy

Zottman Curls 10 8 6

Barbell Skull crushers 10 8 6

– Rest 90 secs. between sets



D) Gymnastics

3 rounds

Strict Ring Dips 8 6 6

Bent Over Row 8 6 4

As heavy as possible

– Rest 90 secs. between sets



E) Conditioning (Optional)


1600m at Int-2 pace

– Rest 3 min,

400m at 1 mile pace

– Rest 3 min,

400m at 1 mile pace

– Rest 3 min,

800m Int-2 pace

– Rest 3 min,

300m at Sp-2 pace

– Rest 3 min,

300m at Sp-2 pace

– Rest 3 min,

600 at Int-1 pace


If you want to learn about the PA Coaching, PA Home program or the PA Strength and Conditioning program or want to subscribe for it then click below: