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PA Home Program Testimony : Madhurima Ch.

A testimony of one of our remote athletes, Madhurima Ch. She is the most consistent athlete of our “PA Home” program and regularly shares her workout videos and PRs with us. 


In her own words.



I am Madhurima, 42 years old, from Hyderabad, Telangana, India. I am a homemaker.

Around the end of 2018, I was at the crossroads of my life where I had to take a major decision regarding the removal of my uterus. I was diagnosed with Menorrhagia – meaning which every month during my menstrual cycle I had an abnormally heavy and prolonged cycle. I used to undergo tremendous blood loss. I was an employee in the banking sector with high-stress levels and corporate commitments. This took a toll on my hormones and my gynaec system. I underwent surgical processes of cleaning the uterus (DNC). I was under self-medication and to make matters worse I was morbidly obese weighing 94kg (207 lbs.).


I started accepting my medical condition and thought that it was my destiny to live with it. My family always stood beside me, but I realized that it was high time to put a stop and look for an alternative as I didn’t want to undergo another major surgery at any cost.


Before PA it was not that I did not give a try to follow a fitness regimen. I used to go for regular brisk walks every day up to 10 km. I even went on crash diets (borderline starving). As a result, I reduced my weight drastically but again put on even faster. My medical problem remained the same.


My brother at that time introduced me to Ravi (founder of PA). Ravi helped me understand that change will not happen overnight. He made me understand that my earlier fitness programs did not focus on building habits and hence failed. I must put a year first, build habits and only then gradual change will happen, physically as well as mentally. First, you build habits and then the habits will build you. I loved the fact that he was so transparent and set up realistic expectations.


31st Dec 2018 I signed up with PA and started the 1- 1 program. I started with minor changes in my diet and gradually visited the gym thrice a week. Coaches working with me put all their efforts to teach me the basics so that I could continue the same regime at home instead of visiting the gym which was 20 KMs away from my home. They did a lot of handholding the next 3 months during which I parallelly already built the food habit. Now I was coached through distance mode. My brother got me a minimum workout kit so that I could do some basic workouts from home. I used to make a video and send it to the PA team, who in turn would correct me. My food habits, workouts, stress levels, motivation levels, etc were monitored daily. With so many people supporting me I wanted to prove that whatever efforts are being put by all should not go in vain.


I changed as a person in six months’ time. I was a new ‘me’.

1)   Surprisingly the first changes in my body were visible to me. My weight is 80kgs now.

2)   I was gradually losing weight, I built eating habits already, and I knew what is good for me and what isn’t. ) I am energetic the entire day, I have become more disciplined, I know my do’s and don’ts, I am trying to cultivate the same habit in my daughter now.

3)   My thyroid levels went down.

4)  The best part was I started getting my monthly menstruation cycle on time and it would also stop on time. I was at the top of the world. I felt as if I conquered some enemy.

5) I have now switched to the home-version plan (499/- month)

6) I now feel more energized after a workout. My outlook has changed for the better.   I am into the second innings of PA this year and I have a goal to lose 12 kgs of body fat.


People around me are motivated too. They are now quoting me as an example to others. I now consider Ravi as my mentor. This would have not been possible without immense support from my husband and mother-in-law. You can follow my daily workout journey at IG CrossFit with mommy.

The highest reward of my success is not what I achieved from it but what I am becoming through it.


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