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The PA Home Program Testimony by Ruchi Prakash!

A Testimony Of One Of Our Remote Athletes, Ruchi Prakash. He has been following our “PA Home” Program consistently for the past few months.


In his own words:


My name is Ruchi Prakash and I am 35 years old. I am a software engineer and I live in Durg (Chattisgarh). I am married and I have a 4-year-old daughter. I am staying with my parents.


My daily routine includes office commute and my daily physical activity generally were decent step counts and I used to play table tennis regularly. I don’t have any health issues. My sleep quality was good and my diet was fully home-cooked all the time. I eat junk food very rarely.


I came to know about the PA Home program through a friend. Since my daily routine was having minimal physical activity I wanted to get involved in a guided personalized workout routine. My intention was to keep myself active as my BMI was already fine.


After joining the PA Home program Me and my wife both started exercising together and we involved our family members as well. Yet to see improvement on better sleep patterns for my wife however overall I feel comfortable and enjoy working out.


I would recommend this program to my friends who generally are less active physically. I suggest they join this program to have a minimum work out routine and healthy dietary suggestion making it part of their lives for better and sustainable healthy life down the line. After all, we want to see people around us healthy and happy.



If you want to learn about the PA Home program or want to subscribe for it then click below: