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why, how and what behind Persistence Athletics.







Why rapid results don’t last?

Everything worthwhile takes time!



When we eat slowly, we actually feel more satisfied with less food.

Even better:

When we practice slowing down and paying attention, we feel more satisfied with everything else.

In praise of slowness

Almost all of us have busy, over-scheduled, rushed lives. We’re pushed to live faster and faster.

And we want to lose weight immediately! Six-pack abs in six weeks! Or six days!

Our bodies struggle to keep up the pace.

You can feel it when you’re living — and eating — too quickly.

Rapid results don’t last. Everything worthwhile takes time and patience. (Think: parenting, relationships, getting a degree, mastering a skill, building a career, etc.)

So for the next several weeks, we’re asking you to try the opposite: slowing down.

Eat slowly. Savor your food. Use your 5-minute action to add 5 minutes to each meal.

Stick to the program. Be consistent, patient, and persistent. Keep showing up. Day after day. One step at a time.


PA says relax

When you first start our Coaching, you might worry about things “going fast enough”.


  • You might want to read ahead to learn it all right now.
  • You might worry that traveling or work schedules will disrupt your new habits.
  • You might get on and off the scale several times a day. Why won’t that darn needle move!?



Stick with us at least for a year.

It’ll all get done with consistent effort, practice, and by slowing down.


You probably won’t lose weight right away.

That’s normal.

We’re building a foundation of good habits for life. This isn’t a crash diet.

(Which is good, because you’ve probably had enough of those.)

You might have some computer challenges.

Maybe some trouble recording habits or posting photos. It’s OK.

Write stuff down on a piece of paper and record it when you’ve figured out the technical side of things.


Let yourself be slow and steady in our Coaching.

You’ll enjoy the process a lot more. You’ll feel much more relaxed. And you’ll get better results, too.

Now isn’t that a relief?

Next week we’ll give you some practice in “mindful eating”. You might say we’ll be “raisin” your awareness.

In the meantime, practice your slow-motion eating habit.


What to do today

Slow down.

Take a deep breath. Do one thing at a time. Relax. Savor your food and the experience of eating.

Ahhh. Doesn’t that feel better?


Consistency trumps speed.

When life gets busy, focus on these 2 tasks:


Practice the prescribed habit each day which is “5-min task” and “eat slow.”

Keep reading our blogs.


If you’ve got these covered, you’ve got absolutely nothing to be anxious about. Results will be yours. Guaranteed.


We don’t have a single nutrition philosophy. Instead, we are nutritional agnostics. We are willing to assess and make collaborative suggestions about various nutritional approaches, depending on all the particulars of an individual’s needs. We help you learn, understand, and practice what works best and sustainable for your lifestyle.


We deliver all of our products and services via phone 📲. All you need is a smartphone and a WhatsApp account to start with. You can experience PA Coaching by subscribing :