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PA Workout for the Week

Here is the example of our PA Home workout of the day from this week


We provide a DAILY Workout of the day with Warm-up and Cooldown. Our daily training programs come with a video of each section as well as a coach’s briefing to help you understand about the intensity and scaling options for the workout appropriately to your level.


PA Home WOD Briefing:


For time:

10 rounds of:

30 Mountain climbers

30 High knees

10 DB Alternate overhead squat


You can scale down the workout to your ability, a good option would be to reduce the number of reps as below:

Scaling: For time

10 rounds of:

20 Mountain climbers

20 High knees

10 DB Alternate overhead squat / 20 PVC Overhead squat


Spend 10 to 15 with a warm-up, Follow below sequence 

2 rounds of:

20 mountain climbers

10 lunges

20 bear crawl forward-reverse

10 air squats

10 Active shoulder drill unbroken (with lightweight) 




Spend 10 min with Cool Down, follow below sequence 

30-sec child pose internal & external

1 min shoulder wall stretch

30-sec each pigeon pose



If you want to learn about the PA Coaching, PA Home program or the PA Strength and Conditioning program or want to subscribe for it then click below: