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PA Weekly challenge “Max Goblet Or Front Squat in 1 min” – 05/18/2020

Max Goblet Or Front Squat in 1 min.


Before performing this challenge make sure you watch the briefing and demo combined video:


Since you are holding the object close to the shoulder, you would need to log the following :


  • Load you are holding plus your body weight.
  • Total Reps and
  • Your Height


You will be ranked based on your power output. 


Your average power output will be = (Load*Distance)xReps / 60 sec


You can try as many times as you wish to find the best score you will get with different attempts. Use this link to log your score: Score Login 


Last week’s challenge was Max reps of shoulder to overhead and here is a clip of our community doing the challenge.


Here is the leaderboard from last week: Link